Websphere Portal Application Development
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  Java / J2EE Application Development
  Doing EAI implementations using Java and WebSphere   MQ

Organizations today desire the best of breed applications for each function they need to implement. This then gives rise to a need for these disparate systems to talk to each other to function as one singular process. Staff at iVision has experience integrating these different systems to talk to each other at the process level rather than just data. Middleware implementations have been done using

Lotus Notes Domino Application Development  Writing java applications running as windows services

Lotus Notes Domino Application Development  J2EE applications running on Websphere application server functioning as      daemons

Lotus Notes Domino Application Development  Asynchronous messaging services implemented using Websphere MQ

Lotus Notes Domino Application Development   Middleware java applications running on Extricity servers.

Application Development
EAI Consulting
Web Development
Product Development
Product Support
QA & Testing

Lotus Notes / Domino
Lotus Workplace
IBM MQ Series
Common Migration Tool

Enterprise Portals
Knowledge Management
Process Management
HR Applications
Lotus Notes / Domino Application Development | Java / J2EE Application Development | Offshore Outsourcing India